
Block of the Month

Quilting: Block of the Month 
with Codi Josephson
Tuesday, June 9, 6-8 pm 
$25, + Copy of 100 Modern Quilt Blocks, by Tula Pink
Join us for our block of the month class using 100 Modern blocks, by Tula Pink. Techniques for 2 blocks will be demonstrated each session - The book is broken down into 6 sections. This month's section is about blocks that use triangles!  Sign up for one class, or the last three, and collect enough blocks to make a sampler quilt! Each class will include a bundle of enough fabric to make 3 or 4 6" blocks. The fabrics will be random, but will work well to create a cohesive sampler quilt.  The block of the month classes will meet the second Tuesday of each month from March-August (June 9, July 14)  
Supplies needed: Copy of 100 Modern Quilt Blocks *Basic sewing kit and neutral thread