Baby Surprise Jacket
With Greg Cotton
Wednesdays, April 6, 13, and 27, 7 - 9
$45 plus either the pattern OR The Opinionated Knitter, by
Elizabeth Zimmermann. Students supply sport-weight yarn and appropriate
needles and other tools (see below)
One of Elizabeth Zimmermann's most incredible patterns is the
origami-like Baby Surprise Jacket. As you knit it you will be astounded
at its toplogy; you will equally be astounded at this evidence of EZ's
incredible brain and will wonder how in the world she ever thought this
up. Once you finish the jacket you will quite likely never knit a baby
jacket from another pattern. Tons of darling examples on Ravelry.
Supplies Needed: 3-4 ounces of sport-weight yarn (using up little bits is great fun, since this thing is made for stripes) and whatever needles will yield 6 sts/inch with that yarn. I'm usually safe with a #3, but anywhere between a #2 and a #4 would be reasonable. I usually knit the jacket on a 24" circular needle, but will often grab a double-point of the same size to finish the jacket. The finished product will need some buttons and the usual knitter's array of miscellaneous tools (scissors, darning needle, crochet hook). The only skill required is that of an inquiring mind.
(three session class)